BICS Challenge Program

The BICS Challenge Research Reports

The program’s final reports are published here for the first time:

Robert Ginsberg and Prof. Stephen Braude, An Examination of Wisdom Consistencies Ostensibly Communicated to Accredited Mediums from the Spirit Realm

Dr. Melvin Morse (Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness), An Investigation into the Current Status of the Spiritual Progress of Humanity as Ascertained by Interviewing Nineteen Mediums

Grant and Jane Solomon (Campion Consciousness Research), Asking the Other Side: Employing Experienced Mental Mediums to Question Discarnate Wise Sources

Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant (NeuroMeditation Institute), Repeated Measures Wisdom Acquisition from Discarnate Consciousness with Gifted Mediums

Carol Williams (Carol Williams & Associates), Medium-Led Multi-Team Communication with the “Other Side”